Promoting awareness regarding the use of kratom. is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2014 and serves to protect the rights of consumers. They aim to educate the public about kratom, promote the legality of kratom, and advocate for the safest possible regulation of kratom.
They work tirelessly to bring to light the truth about kratom, including scientific facts and real-world experiences. Their website, social media accounts, and other article on are all focused on educating people about kratom. They also conduct research and provide information to government agencies and other influencers around the world.
Keeping in line with their mission, they offer a certification program to ensure that vendors sell high quality products. This way, you can rest assured that the kratom you’re purchasing is of the highest quality. They also offer a membership program where you can support the kratom community and stay up to date on all of the latest information about kratom.
What They Donate to - donates money to organizations that help kratom users and distributors across the world. The group accepts donations that can be used for legal fees, promotion costs, maintenance fees, and scientific research. They also use your donations to fund their education efforts and other initiatives to make kratom safe, accessible, and legal for everyone.
Who They Are - is a nonprofit that was created to represent kratom consumers exclusively. They have a small staff and rely on volunteers to carry out their operations. The organization has a number of programs and campaigns that are aimed at educating the general public about kratom, and they also work to protect kratom consumers from unfair legislation and misinformation.
Their website contains lots of infographics that showcase various important facts about kratom. They also feature links to scientific studies and case reports that prove kratom can help people who are dealing with pain or addiction. has an impressive team of advocates, and they are constantly fighting for the rights of kratom consumers. They also work to keep the industry honest by certifying vendors and making sure they are following their own rules. They even have a dedicated forum that you can join to discuss kratom.
They don’t oppose the FDA – and they actually think that it is a good thing for them to be in charge of regulating kratom because it will protect the public. In fact, they want to make sure that the FDA is able to set clear safety standards for kratom manufacturers and vendors.
Despite these efforts, the FDA has yet to regulate kratom and it is currently scheduled as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. This classification is designed to protect the public from drugs that pose a risk of abuse and have no medical use, but it does make it difficult for researchers to determine if these substances are useful.
Who They Are – is a volunteer-run, 501(c)(3) nonprofit. They are currently looking for donors who would like to help them with legal fees, promotion, and maintenance costs.

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